Productivity Guilt

By: Bianca Barratachea, M.S.


It's 8 p.m., and you’re staring at today's to-do list and realizing you still need to do the laundry, wash the dishes, and make that one doctor's appointment. You tell yourself, “The more I do, the more successful I’ll be, and I’ll have less to worry about for tomorrow.” There is constant pressure to consistently do something productive or sit with the guilt that comes from taking a break. Given that we live in a world where productivity is highly valued, productivity guilt can take a toll on one's mental health.

What is productivity guilt?

Productivity guilt can manifest in various ways, but at its core, it's the anxiety or shame that stems from feeling we're not working enough. That nagging voice inside us insists we should put in more effort or achieve more. In a world where hustle culture reigns, it's easy to let our productivity levels define our worth. However, understanding this phenomenon can bring relief, knowing that many others are grappling with the same issue. While productivity is undoubtedly essential, the relentless pursuit of it can lead to burnout, anxiety, and unrealistic expectations.

 There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution to combat productivity guilt, but by creating a toolkit of coping mechanisms that work best for you, you can take back control and cultivate a healthier relationship with productivity. Here are a few empowering strategies to help you cope with productivity guilt:

  1. Practice self-compassion. When you feel overwhelmed, be kind to your mind and body. Ask yourself, “What do I need in this moment?” Remind yourself that it's okay to take breaks and rest. Your productivity level does not determine your worth.

2.     Celebrate the big and little wins: Not every day will be the most productive. No matter how tiny it may appear, acknowledge, and celebrate every step you have taken. We become more motivated when we recognize and celebrate our little victories.

3.     Take breaks: Schedule regular breaks throughout your day to rest and recharge. Try walking, watching an episode of your favorite show, or taking a few deep breaths. Allowing yourself to rest can positively impact your productivity and overall well-being.

4.     Set realistic expectations: Even though finishing everything in a single day would be ideal, remember you are only human, and adequate breaks are essential to ensure efficiency. Set manageable goals and prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. Being honest about what you can accomplish daily and setting realistic expectations of yourself can help relieve the pressure to get everything done in one day.

Although productivity guilt is a prevalent problem in today's society, it doesn't have to control our lives. By identifying and addressing the causes of our productivity guilt, we may create a healthier relationship with ourselves and restore a sense of balance. Remember that while productivity is essential, relaxation, happiness, and enjoying the little things in life are also important. So, the next time you feel productivity guilt slowly creeping up on you, remind yourself that it's okay to slow down and take care of yourself.


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